
The storm raged over Gotham City, a relentless torrent of rain and lightning that mirrored the chaos within. In the heart of this maelstrom, Bane stood on the precipice of Blackgate Penitentiary, his silhouette a dark monolith against the flashing sky. His mask, a grotesque symbol of his strength and torment, hissed with each breath, pumping the venom that coursed through his veins. Tonight, he was not just a man; he was a force of nature. The city had forgotten its fear, and Bane intended to remind it.

"Gotham's reckoning is at hand, and I am its harbinger."

With a primal roar, Bane crashed through the gates of Blackgate, his massive frame unstoppable. Guards fell like wheat before the scythe, their weapons useless against his sheer might. The prison's alarms wailed in desperation, but Bane moved with purpose, his eyes fixed on the heart of the penitentiary. He sought out the warden, the man who represented the corruption and weakness of Gotham's system. "Your reign ends tonight," Bane growled, his voice a thunderous echo in the concrete halls. The warden’s pleas for mercy were drowned out by the sound of Bane’s fists shattering bones.

"In the shadows of fear, I am the storm that breaks the night."

Bane dragged the warden to the courtyard, the storm intensifying as if nature itself recognized the significance of this night. Prisoners, inspired by Bane’s raw power and defiance, began to riot, their chants of liberation blending with the storm’s fury. "Gotham must be broken to be saved," Bane declared, his voice carrying over the chaos. He lifted the warden above his head, a symbol of the old order about to be shattered. "This is your reckoning!" With a sickening crunch, he brought the warden down across his knee, the spine snapping like dry twigs.

"Strength is born from pain, and tonight, Gotham will know both."

As the prison burned, Bane's eyes turned to the city skyline. His work was not finished; this was merely the beginning. He knew that Batman, the city's dark guardian, would come for him. That was the true battle he craved—the clash of titans that would decide Gotham's fate. But Bane had no fear; he welcomed the challenge. "Let him come," he whispered to himself, a cruel smile curling beneath his mask. "I will show him the true meaning of strength."

"The city cowers in darkness, but I am the darkness that commands it."

The dawn broke over a city in turmoil, smoke rising from the ruins of Blackgate. Bane stood tall amidst the wreckage, a conqueror surveying his domain. The city trembled at the knowledge that their protector would soon face an unstoppable adversary. As the Bat-Signal pierced the morning sky, Bane prepared for the final confrontation. His muscles tensed, his mind sharp with anticipation. This was the moment he had been born for—the moment when he would bring Gotham to its knees and rise as its unchallenged ruler. The storm had passed, but the true tempest was yet to come.


Arkham Asylum


The Justice League