Deadpool In The Seventies

The neon lights of New York City were drowned by a torrential downpour, each raindrop hitting the pavement like bullets. Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, stood atop a grimy rooftop, his red-and-black suit clinging to his body, drenched and glistening under the intermittent glow of a faulty streetlight. His swords were strapped to his back, and a pair of handguns were holstered at his hips. Below him, the city was a labyrinth of sin and secrets, and tonight, he was on the hunt for a particularly nasty piece of work—Donnie “The Snake” Ricci, a crime lord who thrived on Gotham's misery.

"In the eye of the storm, my madness is the calm before the kill."

Deadpool jumped from the rooftop, landing with feline grace in a dark alleyway. His mind buzzed with a mix of dark humor and steely resolve. “Time to clean house,” he muttered to himself, his voice a gravelly whisper barely audible over the rain. He kicked open the door to an old warehouse, the hinges screeching in protest. Inside, the air was thick with the stench of sweat and fear. Deadpool’s eyes adjusted to the dim light, spotting Ricci’s goons scattered around the room, their eyes widening in recognition and terror. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Deadpool announced, drawing his katanas with a flourish, “it’s party time!”

"The city bleeds chaos, and I’m the blade that carves it."

The ensuing chaos was a ballet of violence, Deadpool’s swords slicing through the air with lethal precision. Bullets whizzed past him, but he danced between them, his movements a blur of acrobatic fury. He reveled in the fight, every kill punctuated with a quip or a taunt. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with sharp objects?” he joked, decapitating one thug and kicking another into a stack of crates. But his mind was laser-focused on his true target. As the last goon fell, he turned his gaze to the far end of the warehouse, where Ricci cowered behind a desk, a pistol trembling in his hand.

"Every joke hides a death wish, every laugh a countdown to carnage."

Deadpool approached slowly, his katanas dripping with blood, a maniacal grin plastered on his face. “Donnie, Donnie, Donnie,” he crooned, his tone mocking. “Did you really think you could hide from me?” Ricci fired a desperate shot, but Deadpool sidestepped effortlessly, closing the distance in the blink of an eye. He grabbed Ricci by the collar, lifting him off the ground with one hand. “You’re gonna pay for all the lives you’ve ruined,” Deadpool growled, his voice devoid of its usual humor. Ricci’s eyes were wide with terror as Deadpool’s blade pressed against his throat.

"I dance on the edge of sanity, slicing through shadows and sin."

But before Deadpool could deliver the final blow, the warehouse door burst open, and a squad of heavily armed mercenaries stormed in. Their leader, a towering figure clad in tactical gear, barked orders. “Drop him, Deadpool, or we’ll drop you.” Deadpool’s eyes flicked to the newcomers, his grip on Ricci tightening. “Looks like we have a party crasher,” he quipped, his mind racing. The odds had just shifted, and the night was far from over. With a defiant laugh, he threw Ricci aside and readied his katanas. “Come on, boys,” he shouted, charging into the fray. “Let’s dance!” The rain continued to pour, washing away the blood and grime, but the tension in the air was electric. The battle for the soul of the city had just begun, and Deadpool was in the thick of it, reveling in the chaos.


Museum Studies


Miles Morales /Spider-Verse