Deadpool & Spider-Man /Insides

The neon lights of Times Square flickered ominously in the rain-soaked night, casting long, distorted shadows across the bustling city. Spider-Man swung gracefully between skyscrapers, his senses tingling with a familiar blend of danger and chaos. Tonight, however, felt different—a dark undercurrent of unpredictability running through the city’s veins. As he landed on a rooftop, his eyes caught sight of a figure below, moving with erratic grace through the crowded streets. Deadpool. Peter Parker’s jaw tightened beneath his mask. Where Deadpool went, trouble followed.

"Chaos is my canvas, and tonight, I’m painting the town red."

Down below, Deadpool weaved through the throngs of New Yorkers, his katanas strapped to his back and a playful grin hidden under his mask. “Tonight’s the night, Spidey,” he muttered to himself, his voice dripping with anticipation. He had caught wind of a sinister plot brewing beneath the surface, something big enough to warrant his unique brand of intervention. But he wasn’t about to let Spider-Man steal all the glory. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he turned into an alley, his senses alert to the impending showdown.

"In the heart of darkness, my web is the only light that holds."

Spider-Man dropped silently behind him, his presence barely more than a whisper in the wind. “Wade, what are you doing here?” he asked, his tone a mix of annoyance and concern. Deadpool turned, his eyes crinkling with amusement behind his mask. “Hey there, web-head! Just out for a nightly stroll. Heard there’s a party and didn’t want to miss the fun.” Peter’s eyes narrowed. “This isn’t a game, Wade. There’s something serious going down, and I don’t need you making it worse.” Deadpool chuckled, drawing a katana and twirling it with practiced ease. “Oh, come on, Spidey. You know you love my charming chaos.”

"They call me crazy, but in this city, sanity is overrated."

Suddenly, the ground shook with a violent tremor, and an explosion rocked the nearby warehouse. Without a word, both heroes sprinted toward the source, their rivalry momentarily set aside. They burst into the warehouse to find a group of heavily armed mercenaries loading crates of advanced weaponry. The mercenaries turned, their faces masked but their surprise evident. “Well, well,” Deadpool quipped, drawing both katanas. “Looks like we crashed the wrong party.” Spider-Man leaped into action, webbing the nearest mercenary to the wall. “Stay focused, Wade. We need to stop them from distributing these weapons.”

"Every swing, every punch, is a promise to protect what’s left of my city’s soul."

The battle was a blur of motion and violence, Spider-Man’s agility and precision counterbalancing Deadpool’s wild, unpredictable fury. Webbing, bullets, and katanas flew through the air as they fought side by side, a dance of chaos and order. Just as they seemed to gain the upper hand, a hulking figure emerged from the shadows—Taskmaster, his skull mask glinting in the dim light. “Spider-Man. Deadpool. How quaint,” he sneered, drawing his sword. “Tonight, you both die.” The tension snapped taut, the promise of a brutal showdown hanging heavy in the air.


Batman /Inside


The Joker