
The city of St. Roch lay beneath a blood-red sunset, its shadows long and menacing. Hawkman stood atop the museum, his wings folded against the dying light, a silent sentinel against the coming night. His eyes, sharp as a hawk’s, scanned the streets below, where whispers of a new terror had begun to take root. There was something ancient in the air, a sense of dread that seeped into his bones. He flexed his hands, feeling the weight of the Nth metal mace at his side. Tonight, he would need every ounce of strength and resolve to face the darkness lurking in the heart of his city.

"With every swing of my mace, I carve justice into the bones of the wicked."

Descending with a predator’s grace, Hawkman landed in the alley where the first victim had been found. The air was thick with the stench of decay and the faint, lingering aura of dark magic. His keen senses picked up the faintest of sounds, a rustle of fabric, a whispered incantation. "Come out," he growled, his voice a low rumble of thunder. From the shadows emerged a figure cloaked in tattered robes, eyes gleaming with malevolence. "Hawkman," the figure hissed, "you cannot stop what is already in motion. The ritual will be completed, and St. Roch will fall."

"In the chaos of battle, my wings are the storm that no darkness can escape."

Hawkman’s response was swift and brutal. His mace sang through the air, a blur of deadly force that shattered the ground where the sorcerer had stood moments before. The figure laughed, a sound that chilled Hawkman to his core. "You think brute strength can save you?" the sorcerer taunted, weaving spells with a flick of his wrist. The air crackled with dark energy, tendrils of shadow wrapping around Hawkman, pulling him into a vice of despair. But Hawkman was no stranger to pain, no stranger to battles against forces beyond mortal comprehension. With a roar, he tore through the bonds, his wings unfurling in a storm of feathers and fury.

"Reincarnated through time, my rage is eternal, my vengeance unending."

Their clash was a ballet of violence, Hawkman’s primal rage against the sorcerer’s eldritch power. The alleyway became a battlefield, the walls trembling with the force of their struggle. Hawkman’s mace connected with flesh and bone, each strike a declaration of his unwavering resolve. But the sorcerer was cunning, his magic twisting reality, warping the space around them. "You fight for a lost cause, warrior," the sorcerer sneered, summoning a vortex of shadow. "This city is doomed, and so are you." Hawkman’s eyes blazed with defiance. "Not while I draw breath," he spat, diving into the heart of the vortex, his mace a beacon of light in the darkness.

"From the shadows of history, I rise—a warrior’s wrath unleashed upon the night."

As they clashed within the swirling abyss, Hawkman felt the ground shift beneath his feet. The vortex collapsed, spitting them out onto a rooftop overlooking the city. The sorcerer staggered, momentarily disoriented. Hawkman seized the opportunity, delivering a blow that sent the dark mage sprawling. But before he could land the finishing strike, a new presence made itself known. From the shadows of the rooftop, a figure stepped forward, draped in armor that gleamed with unholy light. "Enough," the newcomer commanded, his voice resonating with authority. It was the Black Adam, his eyes burning with a fierce, ancient power. "This fight is not yours alone, Carter Hall. The fate of St. Roch—and the world—hangs in the balance. We must join forces." Hawkman’s heart pounded as he faced this new ally—or was it a new threat?


Thor /Niji

