Bane x Batman

Gotham City was a labyrinth of sin and shadows, an urban abyss where the line between hero and villain blurred under the flickering neon lights. Batman, the Dark Knight, moved like a wraith through the night, his cape a silent shroud against the grime of the city. The Bat-Signal had cut through the smog, summoning him to a grim scene in the Narrows. There, amidst the rubble of a tenement building, stood a hulking figure, his muscles bulging under the dim streetlights. Bane. The venom-fueled juggernaut had returned, his presence a harbinger of destruction. Batman’s jaw tightened beneath his cowl as he approached his old nemesis, the weight of their history pressing down like a leaden cloak.

"In the depths of Gotham’s shadows, I am the whisper that brings fear to the fearless."

“Batman,” Bane growled, his voice a rumble of menace. “The reckoning is upon you.” He flexed his arms, the tubes pumping venom into his veins pulsating with a sickly green glow. The air crackled with tension as Batman stopped a few paces away, his eyes narrowing. “Bane. What do you want?” The question hung in the air, an unspoken challenge. Bane’s laughter was a guttural roar, filled with the promise of violence. “This city will break under my heel, just as you did. But first, I have a gift for you.” He stepped aside, revealing a figure bound and battered, lying at his feet. It was Jim Gordon, his face a mask of pain and defiance. Batman’s heart pounded as he took in the sight, a cold fury settling in his veins.

"I am the darkness that breaks the bat, the reckoning Gotham never saw coming."

Without a word, Batman launched himself at Bane, his fists a blur of righteous anger. Bane met his assault head-on, their clash a brutal symphony of strength and skill. The sound of bone striking bone echoed through the alley, a testament to the ferocity of their struggle. Batman’s strikes were precise, driven by a desperate need to protect his city and his friend. But Bane was relentless, his power augmented by the venom coursing through his system. He caught Batman’s fist in a vice-like grip, squeezing until the bones creaked. “You cannot defeat me,” Bane sneered, his eyes burning with dark triumph. “Not while I have the venom.”

"Every night, I confront my demons—but tonight, I face the monster I created."

Batman’s mind raced, seeking an opening, a weakness. His gaze flicked to the tubes feeding venom into Bane’s system, and a plan began to form. With a sudden, explosive movement, he tore free of Bane’s grip, reaching for the tubes. But Bane anticipated the move, swatting him away with a backhanded blow that sent him crashing into a brick wall. Pain lanced through Batman’s body, but he forced himself to his feet, determination etched into every line of his face. “I’ve beaten you before, Bane. I’ll do it again,” he said, his voice a low growl. Bane’s response was a snarl of rage, and he charged, intent on finishing what he had started.

"I was forged in the pit, born in darkness. The Bat will know true despair."

Just as their battle reached a fever pitch, a deafening explosion rocked the alley. Both combatants were thrown to the ground, the shockwave reverberating through the city. Batman struggled to his knees, his vision swimming. Through the smoke and debris, a figure emerged, clad in high-tech armor and wielding advanced weaponry. “Enough,” the figure commanded, his voice distorted by a modulated helmet. It was someone new, someone unknown. “The war for Gotham is just beginning, and you two are merely pawns in a much larger game.” Batman’s heart sank as he realized the implications. A new player had entered the arena, one with the power to tip the scales. The night was far from over, and the darkness held secrets yet to be unveiled.


The Swamp Thing


Seventies Wolverine