Mister Mxyzpltk

Metropolis gleamed like a jewel under the night sky, its towers of glass and steel reaching for the heavens. But tonight, the city was under siege by a force that defied the laws of reality itself. Mister Mxyzpltk, the mischievous imp from the Fifth Dimension, had decided to make Metropolis his playground. Hovering above the skyline, he grinned, his eyes twinkling with malevolent glee. With a snap of his fingers, gravity inverted, and cars floated into the air like weightless toys. "Time for some fun!" he cackled, his voice echoing through the surreal chaos.

"Reality bends, but I never break—welcome to my playground."

Superman arrived in an instant, a streak of red and blue cutting through the twisted reality. His eyes narrowed as he confronted Mxyzpltk. "End this madness, Mxy," he demanded, his voice a deep rumble of authority. But the imp merely laughed, his form shifting and warping in the air. "Oh, Kal-El, you’re always such a buzzkill," he taunted. "Why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the show?" With another flick of his fingers, the streets transformed into rivers of molten chocolate, and buildings sprouted legs, dancing an eerie waltz.

"You think you understand the world? I rewrite the rules."

Superman’s jaw tightened, his frustration palpable. He knew that brute force wouldn’t work against Mxyzpltk; the imp’s power was beyond physical limits. This was a battle of wits. As the world around him twisted and turned, Superman focused on staying calm, his mind racing for a solution. "You know the rules, Mxy," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Say your name backwards and you go back to the Fifth Dimension." Mxyzpltk smirked, floating closer. "You think you can trick me? I invented the game, Superman."

"In the chaos of my design, only I remain untouchable."

The city’s residents watched in a mixture of awe and terror as their world became a living nightmare. Superman flew through the chaos, his eyes scanning for any opportunity. He saw children trapped in floating cars, their cries of fear piercing his heart. With a surge of determination, he saved them, his mind never straying from the imp. Finally, an idea sparked. "You’re right, Mxy," Superman called out, his voice carrying a note of resignation. "I can’t outsmart you. You’re too clever." The imp paused, curiosity piqued. "Flattery, Superman? How uncharacteristic."

"Heroes are just pawns in my game of cosmic mischief."

Superman landed, his posture one of defeat. "You win," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Just tell me one thing: how do you spell your name backwards?" Mxyzpltk’s eyes widened, his pride overcoming his caution. "It’s K-T-L-P-Z-Y-X-M!" he declared, and in an instant, his expression turned to horror as he realized his mistake. A vortex opened, pulling him back to the Fifth Dimension. The city returned to normal, the chaos vanishing like a bad dream. Superman stood alone, the night once again peaceful. "Until next time, Mxy," he muttered, his eyes scanning the horizon. In Metropolis, the balance between order and chaos was always precarious, but tonight, the scales had tipped back in favor of hope.


The Scarecrow


Green Arrow x Symbiote