Spider Gwen x Carnage

The neon-lit streets of Earth-65’s New York City hummed with a peculiar energy, a blend of punk rebellion and a city teetering on the edge of chaos. Gwen Stacy, known to the world as Spider-Gwen, swung through the urban canyons, her white and pink suit a stark contrast against the darkened skyline. Tonight, the city felt different, the air heavy with an unsettling dread. Her Spider-Sense tingled, a constant reminder that something wicked this way came. As she landed gracefully atop a skyscraper, her eyes scanned the horizon, searching for the source of her unease. That’s when she saw it – a crimson streak cutting through the night, heading straight for Times Square.

"In the tangled web of shadows, my resolve is the only thread that holds."

Below, Times Square was a riot of light and sound, oblivious to the approaching danger. But Gwen knew better. She descended swiftly, landing amidst the bustling crowd just as the first screams pierced the air. Emerging from the shadows was a figure of pure nightmare – Carnage. The symbiote’s tendrils writhed like living snakes, its malevolent eyes gleaming with predatory glee. “Well, well, if it isn’t the little spider,” Carnage hissed, its voice a twisted melody of insanity. “Ready for the encore?” Gwen’s heart pounded in her chest, but she stood her ground, fists clenched. “You’re not going to hurt anyone else, Carnage,” she declared, her voice steady with resolve.

"Chaos isn’t a choice; it’s my nature, and tonight, it’s feast or famine."

The battle was immediate and fierce, a ballet of violence amidst the flashing billboards and terrified onlookers. Carnage’s tendrils lashed out, but Gwen’s agility kept her just out of reach, her movements a blur of grace and precision. She fired webs, ensnaring Carnage’s limbs, but the symbiote merely laughed, its form shifting and twisting to break free. “You can’t win, spider,” Carnage taunted, launching a barrage of spikes from its body. Gwen dodged, but one spike grazed her arm, the pain sharp and immediate. She gritted her teeth, using the momentum to swing around and deliver a powerful kick to Carnage’s head. The symbiote staggered, but its laughter only grew more maniacal.

"Every swing through the darkness is a dance with death, and Carnage is the lead."

As they fought, Gwen realized that this was more than just a random attack. Carnage was driven by a purpose, a dark intent that went beyond mere chaos. “What are you after?” she demanded, dodging another lethal strike. Carnage’s eyes gleamed with a dark amusement. “You’ll find out soon enough,” it crooned. “But first, let’s have some fun!” With a roar, Carnage summoned a massive tendril, slamming it into the ground and sending a shockwave through the square. Gwen was thrown off her feet, crashing into a nearby building. She struggled to rise, her vision swimming. As Carnage loomed over her, ready to deliver the final blow, a burst of light erupted from above.

"Fear bleeds in the night, and I’m the blade that makes it scream."

Descending from the sky was a figure shrouded in golden energy, their form radiating power. “Leave her alone, Carnage,” the figure commanded, their voice echoing with authority. It was Captain Marvel, her presence a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Carnage snarled, its eyes narrowing. “Another hero to play with? How delightful!” But Captain Marvel’s energy blasts forced the symbiote back, giving Gwen a moment to catch her breath. She stood, her resolve hardening. “Thanks for the save,” she said, her eyes meeting Captain Marvel’s. “But we need to know what it’s planning.”

"Against the crimson madness, my will is the shield that won’t shatter."

Carnage retreated into the shadows, its laughter lingering in the air. “This isn’t over,” it promised, its voice a dark whisper. “The symbiote’s true master is coming, and when they arrive, this world will burn.” Gwen’s blood ran cold at the implication. “We need to stop it before it’s too late,” she said, determination fueling her every word. Captain Marvel nodded, her expression grim. “Then we fight together. Whatever Carnage is planning, we’ll face it head-on.” As they prepared for the next battle, the city around them seemed to hold its breath, the fate of the world hanging in the balance. The true enemy was still out there, and the final confrontation was only just beginning.




Ornate Hawkman