Wolverine x Batman x Carnage

The city was a cacophony of shadows, an endless warren of alleys echoing with the symphony of despair. Batman stood atop a gothic gargoyle, cape billowing like the wings of some ancient omen. The call had come from Gordon—something darker than Gotham’s usual rogues was at play. As he scanned the horizon, his gaze fixed on a feral figure scaling the walls with the ease of a predator. It was Wolverine, the X-Man whose claws sliced through darkness like knives through silk. They had crossed paths before, but this was different. An unholy alliance was needed tonight, for something twisted lurked in the city's veins.

"In the dark corners of this city, my claws are the last thing they’ll never see coming."

In the bowels of Arkham Asylum, the air was thick with madness. Carnage, the psychopathic symbiote, had broken free, his blood-red tendrils slithering across the cold stone floors, leaving a trail of chaos in their wake. He reveled in the carnage, his laughter a jagged knife in the ears of the damned. The guards lay strewn like broken toys, their eyes wide with the terror of their final moments. He was heading for the heart of Gotham, drawn by the scent of fear that hung in the air like a promise. The city was his playground, and tonight, he would paint it red.

"Gotham’s shadows are my allies, and tonight, they hunger for justice."

Batman and Wolverine converged at the mouth of Crime Alley, the place where all things dark seemed to begin. “Logan,” Batman greeted, his voice a grave whisper. “It’s Carnage. He’s loose.” Wolverine’s claws extended with a snikt, his eyes narrowing to dangerous slits. “I’ve faced worse. Let’s gut this bastard.” The tension between them was palpable, a clash of philosophies held together by the thinnest thread of necessity. They moved as shadows, a blend of grace and brutality, towards the epicenter of the symbiote's chaos.

"Every scar tells a story. Tonight, I’m writing theirs in blood."

The battle erupted in a whirlwind of violence. Carnage’s tendrils lashed out, met by the unyielding resistance of adamantium claws and the calculated precision of batarangs. The alleyways became a maelstrom, a crucible where order and chaos collided. Batman's gauntlet cracked across Carnage's face, while Wolverine’s claws raked through alien flesh. But Carnage was relentless, his madness a force of nature. “You can’t kill what you can’t understand!” he shrieked, his body morphing and twisting. Just as they seemed to gain the upper hand, Carnage’s tendrils wrapped around Wolverine’s neck, lifting him off the ground. Batman’s eyes widened beneath his cowl as he reached for a gadget on his belt, only to be ensnared himself.

"Fear is a weapon, and I am its master. Gotham will remember this night."

Then came the sound, a deep, foreboding hum that filled the alley. From the shadows emerged another figure, cloaked in dark armor, his eyes burning with an unholy light. “Well, well, if it isn’t the dynamic duo,” he mocked, his voice dripping with malice. It was Doctor Doom, his presence a chilling revelation. “You didn’t think Carnage was working alone, did you?” As Carnage’s grip tightened, Wolverine’s growl turned to a strangled gasp, and Batman’s struggles grew desperate. The realization hit them both like a death knell. This was bigger than they had anticipated. The alliance of chaos and doom was upon them, and the night was far from over.


Batgirl x Carnage


The Swamp Thing